Monday, December 14, 2009


Time has really flown now... I haven't updated since Tyler was 2 months old!

He has made quite a lot of progress since then. He's gone from the serious little fella I brought home from the hospital to a little boy full of personality. He giggles and laughs, he gives me big smiles, he is learning to hug, he has favorite things...

He's been eating solid foods for a couple months now. We started on rice cereal but it clogged him up so we switched to oatmeal. He's also explored the wonderful worlds of fruits and veggies and now eats pretty much whatever I feed him. He loves fruits in his mesh feeder. And he is starting to hold his bottle by himself, and practice holding his sippy cup. I'm so proud! He's even growing teeth... he has 2 that sprouted up on the bottom last month, and boy those things are sharp. Just like little fangs! He's also a drool factory haha. AAAAND... he can now sit up by himself and roll over in both directions. He likes rolling across the living room floor and checking things out. :o)

I'm so proud of him, at his 6 month checkup he weighed in at 20 lbs and is 27 inches tall... so he doubled his birth weight and then some! He's a big boy. Our little beefcake. Every day is so much fun with him now that he's learning new stuff every day and exploring his world more and more. He's also sleeping through the night finally... Mommy likes that very much! (He still wakes up around 6 or 7, but that's okay... he's getting about 12 hours straight of sleep, and that's great!)

We'll be taking our first family plane ride down to Tyler's Grammy & Poppop's house this Saturday for Christmas. We're staying for about 2 weeks which should be a lot of fun! I know Tyler misses his grandparents a lot, and he'll have a good time getting spoiled by them. I can't wait to see my parents either. It's fun celebrating all the holidays with a newbie now haha!

For anyone curious on how the cloth diapering thing went... we switched over from the gDiapers to pocket-style cloth diapers (Coolababy brand is one example). And I absolutely love cloth diapering. I can talk diapers all day long if you want! It's gotten easier with the experience and I've done so much research and learned a lot about them. And I'm very glad that I'll be able to use them on any of Tyler's future siblings and save even more money! Did I mention I love cloth diapering??

I'm posting a few recent photos of Tyler for updating purposes... I'll have to update his blog more often. He's growing so fast I can't believe it's already been 6 months! I love this little guy with all my heart and he's my little ray of sunshine in every single day!

Tyler at our family Christmas photo shoot... check out those fangs!

Big boy practicing holding his own bottle

Tyler at about 4 months with his Uncle Lee

5 1/2 months... he used to be so tiny in this chair, now he takes up the whole thing!

Chillin' and nappin' before Mommy woke me up for the day!