Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Awesome news!

We got a huge surprise today! I had called the NICU first thing this morning and the nurse I spoke to said Tyler's oxygen level had been turned down to 30% and he was doing well. I was fully expecting to see him still hooked up to the ventilator this afternoon but possibly at only 20%, I was being as "minimally optimistic" as possible.

However... when I walked up to his little bassinet, the breathing tubes were out! I had no idea he had made so much progress in a matter of 6 hours, it definitely made my day! The nurse said he was doing excellent and they had taken out the ventilator tubes and were getting ready to remove another one of his many IV lines. The best part of the day was that we finally got to hold him! I changed 2 of his diapers while we were there (and didn't get peed on hehe) and I even got to feed him a little bit of pumped breastmilk from a bottle. They weren't sure if he would actually take the bottle, he still has the feeding tube in his mouth just in case, but he drank some like a champ! He even has clothes on now... he's got on a little hat and a t-shirt, and his socks... and we can bring him in some of his own clothes to wear also. I'm still amazed at how much he's improving, it's like he's trying super hard to get better so he can come home soon!

All of the positive energy is helping... keep Tyler in your thoughts!

Hopefully tomorrow he'll open his eyes... he was sleeping the whole time we visited but at the rate he's going, he might be running laps around the NICU tomorrow! :o)

Mommy and Tyler getting some quality cuddle time!
Tyler and his Poppop first picture together!
Grammy and Tyler, snuggle buddies!

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