Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday Update

I had probably the greatest afternoon so far with Tyler today! We made big progress on the breastfeeding... a lactation consultant came to help me get things going, and Tyler did well. We still need some more practice, but he didn't freak out like he did the first time we tried which was a good thing. However, he was having a grouchy afternoon... he cried a lot, even with all of the rocking and patting he just wasn't having a happy day. Mostly it was because he was hungry one time, then a second time because he had a dirty diaper, and the rest of the crying was just no reason grouchy baby crying. Not a big deal, he did calm down after a while!

The lactation consultant also had me hold Tyler close to my chest for skin to skin contact, it's supposed to help babies self-regulate their temperatures and breathing and they can hear their Mommy's heartbeat. That was nice, it felt good to bond with him and hold him like that. He curled right up into my chest and fell asleep drooling :o) it made me smile and made my day! There is nothing like holding a warm, sleepy baby next to your heart. Nothing in the world can compare.

I also got to put on one of his little outfits... Nona sent me some cute clothes for him so I put him in his "Little Squirt" jammies and he looked like more of a normal baby and less naked haha. I took a couple pictures today, tomorrow I'm bringing him another outfit so we can do more photo shoots :o) As for his feedings, they've been alternating every other feeding with bottle or tube, but now they're going to go 1 tube feeding and then 2 bottle feedings since he is doing great. I'm hoping he will be home by the weekend so his Daddy can spend more time with him rather than having to drive up to the hospital and visit, since Daddy won't be home again until the 27th when all of his training is finished.

Other than that... it was a wonderful day spent with Tyler, my heart feels so full and I can't wait to see him again tomorrow!

Snuggled up in Mommy's arms
Hi everyone! I finally have clothes on!

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