Sunday, July 26, 2009

Almost 2 months old!

Time is flying by with Mr. Tyler! He will be 2 months old on Tuesday, and it's just amazing to see how much he's grown! He has his 2 month well baby checkup on Tuesday also so I can't wait to see exactly how much weight he's gained and how many inches he's added to his future tall self! Last night we were out to eat and there was a little baby girl at the table behind us... she must have been maybe a few weeks old only because she was so tiny, and then I looked from her to Tyler and she made Tyler look like a moose! It kinda made me shocked to see just how much he has truly grown. Last week I was sorting through his laundry and had to separate out his newborn size clothes because he is just too big to fit in them anymore... it made me sad, I remember when he was small enough to just fit in the crook of my arm but now his feet dangle halfway across my lap... what's going on here??

He has been such a good baby though. The transition of going back to work wasn't so hard... I ended up getting a bunch of his photos printed out and plastered them all over my cubicle at work so I look at him all day long and think of him, and his babysitter is fantastic and I think Tyler really likes it at her house. She took him and her daughter on a little field trip last week at the community center; they were having a kid's indoor beach party and Tyler got a lot of attention while they were there. But can you blame him... he's so cute! :o)

It's awesome to watch him develop more every day... this morning when he woke up I was tickling him and for the first time he was smiling and kind of cooing at me... usually he just looks at me like I'm crazy when I try to tickle him, and he will give me smiles but only at random throughout the day. I can't wait until he smiles more and actually laughs, but I'll take the wide-eyed baby stares for now too, they're just as cute!

I've been experimenting with cloth diapers on him for the past week... I ordered some gDiapers online which are kind of a hybrid between cloth and disposable. They have a liner that goes inside the cloth outer pant and when you change baby, you can either flush the liner, compost it, or throw it away and they break down faster than a regular disposable diaper so they're better for the environment. You can also use cloth as an insert instead of the flushable g-liner which is what I'm practicing with doing... the first time I used one I realized I am VERY unprepared because I hadn't bought a diaper pail yet and don't have enough cloth inserts, and it just so happened that Tyler left me a #2 in his diaper so I was frantically trying to figure out what to do with that mess. However, with the advice of some other moms I know, I have it all figured out and am going to give it my best shot. Surprisingly, cloth diapering isn't that difficult... and I am the type of person who would prefer convenience over cost effectiveness when it comes to diapers, but honestly anyone can do it. People think that it would be so hard to rinse the diapers and wash them but it's no different than changing your own underwear except with maybe a couple extra steps thrown in. I'm going to keep working at it and hopefully we will be completely finished with disposables in another week or 2 while we transition!

Here are a few new pictures of Tyler and a video clip of him with hiccups... I forgot to rotate the photos before I uploaded them so you may have to turn your head sideways to view. :oP

This is my BLAHH face!
Pretending to be crabby (wearing my orange gDiaper!)

Listening to Mommy's iPod in the carseat

Me and my hiccups!!!

1 comment:

  1. That picture with him listening to your ipod is the cutest thing ever! He is such a doll!
