Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday Update

Another lovely day spent with my awesome son... Tyler is taking more of his bottle feedings, which is awesome. He spent most of the whole afternoon asleep though, which I didn't mind... I could sit there for hours in that rocking chair just staring at him and it never gets old. The good news is, tomorrow the nurse said I may be able to try breastfeeding again, and they're going to have a lactation consultant on hand to help me out, so I'm hoping Tyler will give it a try again this time too. We need practice!

I'm trying to get lots of last minute things done around the house before he gets here... I mowed the lawn today, which was weird because the last time I mowed a lawn was when I lived in NY and I was maybe 15 or 16 years old haha. It wasn't bad though, it only took a half hour and I probably sweat off some more of that baby weight, who can complain about that? I need to get some grocery shopping done tomorrow and put the finishing touches on Tyler's room and then I'll be all ready for his arrival. I know I won't want to leave the house when he's home, I'll be spending lots of time here just hanging out with him!

He is improving though. Little baby steps at a time, but I just wish for a miracle every day too. I love that child so much, he is my whole world!

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