Monday, June 29, 2009

Tyler is 1 Month Old!

Today Tyler is officially one month old! Time flies... even though some of those days seemed to just drag with learning everything there is to know about taking care of a newborn... and I'm still learning and making mistakes, but that comes with the job!

Jon is finally home from all of his training which is great. It will be nice to have him around all the time and Tyler will finally get to spend quality time with his Daddy and get to know him better. I told Jon he is now a real father because he's been peed on and puked on... the true badges of parenthood. He's doing great though, in a way he reminds me of myself the first couple weeks I was alone with Tyler and would freak out at his first cries, or wonder why he did certain things. I tried to take a nap yesterday and I didn't even get to because after about 20 minutes Jon came in with a crying Tyler who needed to be changed... then another 15 minutes later Tyler was crying again and Jon wasn't sure what to do (he needed to be fed) so finally I just got up to help him out. I wonder what was harder... Jon's combat training, or learning how to be a new Daddy?? :oP

We had a good weekend though. I enjoyed spending time with the boys and Tyler is getting more of a personality every day which is so fun to watch. He's a great little guy!

I'm 1 month old... and still taking lots of naps!

I look just like my Daddy in this picture

Anyone need napping advice? Just ask me!

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